What is a Plasma Nitrided Welding Table?
A question that we often receive here at Quantum Machinery is: "What is a Plasma Nitration"?
To put it simply, Plasma Nitration (also known as ion nitriding) is a heat treatment process that "injects" nitrogen into the surface of a particular metal in order to create a surface that is intensely case-hardened.
"Now What is a Plasma Nitrided Welding Table? And how does it benefit me?"
This is a fantastic question, that we love to answer. Ready?! By choosing to get a Welding Table that is plasma-nitrided, you get 6 HUGE Beneficial Factors not available anywhere else.
Our Plasma Nitrided Welding Tables are:
1. Spatter-Proof
2. Rust-Proof
3. Deep Scratch-Proof
4. The Plasma Nitration also makes the Welding Table, as a whole, much, much stronger. Allowing our Siegmund Welding Tables to outperform any other welding table in the entire market.
5. Since the Siegmund Welding Tables are plasma nitrided, thanks to the strengthening process, it allows our Welding Tables to maintain a flatness that un-achievable in the long-term by any other Welding Table Manufacturers. (Other tables can be made flat initially, yes, but unlike our tables, they will not stay that way!)
6. (And for the 8.8 Series Welding Tables) Dent-Proof
What's more, is our X8.7 and X8.8 Steel is produced specifically for Siegmund, and Siegmund only. The fusion between the Plasma Nitration and our X8.7 and X8.8 Steel helps to produce the Strongest, Flattest, Most Accurate Welding Tables in the industry!
Click here to view our Siegmund Customer Gallery
If you would like to learn more about our Siegmund Welding Tables, call one of our Welding Table Experts at (909)476-8007 or send us an email at Sales@QuantumMachinery.com
Why our Welding Tables are Plasma Nitrided from Quantum Machinery Group.